Giving to Pinecrest
Please consider giving to Pinecrest! We welcome monetary donations, which can be designated in the offering plate at any of the supporting churches. We also have a sponsorship program where you can sponsor a child who cannot afford to come to camp. The camp is a registered charity in Alberta and Saskatchewan and will receipt any donation over $25.
We don’t just need money to run the camp year after year. We also welcome donations of many things –from food to toilet paper roll holders!
Our current needs list
The are opportunities to help on special projects at the camp depending on the maintenance needs.
We also need staff to serve at camp.
- Cooks
- Male Counselor
- Male CIT
- Female Counselor
- Female CIT
Click here to learn more about staffing needs.
We are looking to hire someone for a summer maintenance position. Please Click here for more information!
Please pray for camp. Pray for the campers, the staff, and the families of the staff that are left at home. Pray for the speaker and the cooks. Most camp directors have a prayer list of everyone going to the week of camp they are in charge of if you would like to pray specifically for someone at a week of camp. Contact us to be put in contact with a certain director if you want to pray for a specific week’s staff and campers.
Needing Sponsorship?
If you cannot afford to come to Pinecrest, please contact us. We have donors that love to be able to give in order for you to come to camp! If you are a recipient of sponsorship, we ask that you submit a thank you note to the camp to be forwarded on to the sponsor.
Sponsor a Cabin
If you would like to help with camp maintenance through monetary means you can donate to maintain a cabin or you can donate your time and resources to come out as a group to maintain a cabin!